Category Archives: Sports

How GPS Technology Can Improve Your Golf Game

Fort Golf Resortpic
Fort Golf Resort

The former president of Business Consulting Incorporated in Indiana, Thomas Stoughton has extensive experience as a technology, education, and business-management consultant. When he finds time for recreation, Thomas Stoughton enjoys golfing at top Indiana golf courses.

Other than fitting in more time at the driving range, one of the best ways to improve your golf game is by using GPS technologies to your advantage on the course. A GPS app can help you analyze the layout and set up your shots. For instance, knowing the topography of the course can help you make more accurate club selections and choose optimal targets for your ball as you advance toward the hole.

Google Earth Pro has a particular feature that allows you to measure distances between holes using satellite images. You can search for a golf course through the app and zoom in on key holes using the ruler functions to measure the distance between various points on the golf course.

Are My Golf Clubs the Right Length?


Golf Clubs  pic
Golf Clubs

Indiana-based consultant Thomas Stoughton has been heavily involved in his community for more than 30 years. Throughout this time, he has served on the boards of several nonprofit organizations, worked as a consultant for Indiana lawmakers, and spearheaded the creation of numerous educational and safety initiatives. Outside of his activism, Thomas Stoughton enjoys playing golf.

Although it’s often overlooked, the length of a golf club plays a huge role in how well you play. Ideally, you need a club that complements your ability, swing speed, and wrist-to-floor length to ensure that you perform as well as possible.

Wrist-to-floor length is most commonly used to determine the best length for you based on height. To get this measurement, stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart and with your knees slightly bent. Let your arms hang down naturally and clasp your hands in front of your belt buckle. In this position, a friend or another person can determine the distance between your wrists and the ground.

Once you know your wrist-to-floor length, look for golf clubs that have shaft lengths that are within one to two inches of this measurement. On average, men have a wrist-to-floor length of 43 inches, so they would want a golf club that has a shaft of about 43 inches. This number will vary depending on your individual arm length and height, so make sure you get measured yourself when selecting clubs.

Meanwhile, your ability and swing style affect your control of the club. Typically, longer clubs are more difficult to control but provide more power. If you consistently dip your club during impact, consider getting one that’s shorter than your measurements might suggest. Similarly, if you are incapable of generating the power you need for each shot, a longer club may be best.