Tag Archives: halfway house

Halfway Houses Help to Improve Lives

Accomplished business consultant Thomas Stoughton supports technology, civic, education, and business development initiatives that benefit his native Indiana. Thomas Stoughton of Indiana is particularly committed to supporting halfway houses and other addiction recovery efforts.

Also known as sober living homes, halfway houses are drug-free environments designed for individuals who struggle with addiction, mental health, or any other issue that makes living on their own difficult. By staying at such a house, residents can develop the self-confidence and skills they need to re-enter society after an inpatient or outpatient recovery program, homelessness, or prison without subjecting themselves to the triggering environment that likely led to their addiction in the first place.

Not every halfway house operates in the same way. For instance, some may require that residents pass a breathalyzer test or drug screening before being welcomed into the home. However, halfway houses share some general similarities. The individuals living at the home must commit to a sober lifestyle and contribute to the house by completing regular chores. Unlike inpatient programs, residents of halfway houses are allowed to come and go as they please in accordance with the house’s rules.

Several studies have demonstrated the efficacy of halfway houses over the years. According to these, one of the biggest obstacles people face to staying sober is not having a stable, sober environment. Halfway houses fill this void and allow people to live without as many temptations to go back to drugs or alcohol. Further, the 12-step group affiliation at many halfway houses leads to higher abstinence from addiction.